New Launch

Introducing ⚡️Weekly Performance reports⚡️ for ecommerce business owners.

Start your week more productively by being on top of all the key business performance metrics. Now Contlo allows you to schedule a weekly report to all the stakeholders in your team, covering all the essential performance insights such as revenue, orders, campaigns & more from the previous week. Let your business managers & marketers make decisions that will move the needle throughout the running week.

The report offers a holistic view of:
👉 Overall Revenue growth over the week, & revenue via Contlo
👉 Overall order generated by the brand & via Contlo
👉 Channel-wise performance report
👉 Best performing campaign of the week
👉 Best performing Automation w.r.t revenue & orders generated
👉 Highest Selling product during that period
👉 New subscribers gained using Contlo Forms

You can add as many stakeholders as you want who will receive this update. Does that work as a Weekly Motivation for you?